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Magnetogram Chromosphere Observed from Wilcox Observatory

    fileIdentifier:  gov.noaa.ngdc.stp.solar_imagery:Chromosphere_Magnetogram_Wilcox
    language:  eng; U.S.A.
    characterSet:  (MD_CharacterSetCode) utf8
    hierarchyLevel:  (MD_ScopeCode) nonGeographicDataset
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    contact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
        individualName:  Karen E. Horan
        organisationName:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
        contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
            phone:  (CI_Telephone)
                voice:  303.497.6277
                facsimile:  303.497.6513
            address:  (CI_Address)
                deliveryPoint:  NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC E/GC1 325 Broadway
                city:  Boulder
                administrativeArea:  CO
                postalCode:  80305-3328
                country:  USA
            hoursOfService:  7:30 - 5:00 Mountain
            contactInstructions:  Contact Data Center
        role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
    dateStamp:  2016-12-27
    metadataStandardName:  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data
    metadataStandardVersion:  ISO 19115-2:2009(E)
return to top
    identificationInfo:  (MD_DataIdentification)
        citation:  (CI_Citation)
            title:  Magnetogram Chromosphere Observed from Wilcox Observatory
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  1999-01-01
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) creation
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  Chromosphere_Magnetogram_Wilcox
            citedResponsibleParty:  NCEI (custodian)
            presentationForm:  (CI_PresentationFormCode) documentDigital
        abstract:  A solar magnetogram is a pictorial representation of the spatial variations in strength of the solar magnetic field. Magnetograms are often produced by exploiting the Zeeman effect (or, in some cases, the Hanle effect), which George Ellery Hale employed in the first demonstration that sunspots were magnetic in origin, in 1908. Solar magnetograms are produced by suitably instrumented telescopes referred to as magnetographs. Some magnetographs can only measure the component of the magnetic field along the line of sight from the observer to the source (the field's "longitudinal" component). One example of such a "line-of-sight" or "longitudinal" magnetograph is the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), a scientific instrument that takes magnetograms of the Sun in order to measure velocity and magnetic fields in the Sun's photosphere to learn about the convection zone and about the magnetic fields which control the structure of the solar corona. A vector magnetograph also measures the component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the line of sight (the field's "transverse" component), from which all three components of the magnetic field vector can be deduced. Two examples include the National Solar Observatory's SOLIS instrument and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager aboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite.
        purpose:  Scientific data stewardship of solar-terrestrial datasets in compliance with NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 212-12, "Management of Environmental and Geospatial Data and Information", dated 04 Nov 10. Scientific Data Stewardship includes the Archive, Access, and Assessment (AAA) of operational and related solar and space environmental datasets.
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) Complete
        pointOfContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            individualName:  William Denig
            organisationName:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                phone:  (CI_Telephone)
                    voice:  (303) 497-6323
                    facsimile:  (303) 497-6513
                address:  (CI_Address)
                    deliveryPoint:  325 Broadway E/GC2
                    city:  Boulder
                    administrativeArea:  CO
                    postalCode:  80305
                    country:  USA
                hoursOfService:  7:30 - 4:30 Mountain
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        resourceMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
            maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) nonePlanned
        graphicOverview:  (MD_BrowseGraphic)
            fileDescription:  Example Image from Chromosphere_Magnetogram_Wilcox series.
            fileType:  gif
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Sun-Earth Interactions > Solar Activity > Solar Active Regions
            keyword:  Sun-Earth Interactions > Solar Activity > Solar Imagery
            keyword:  Sun-Earth Interactions > Solar Activity > Sunspots
            keyword:  Sun-Earth Interactions > Solar Activity > Corona
            keyword:  Sun-Earth Interactions > Solar Activity > Solar Synoptic Maps
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Space > Solar Region > Chromosphere
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Solar Telescopes
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) instrument
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  Solar Observatory Stations
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) platform
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            keyword:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) dataCentre
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
            keyword:  NOAA > Space Weather Program
            keyword:  WDS > World Data Service for Geophysics, Boulder
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) project
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2020-01-09
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                edition:  9.1
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Earth Science Data and Information System
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            name:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords
                            description:  The information provided on this page seeks to define how the GCMD Keywords are structured, used and accessed. It also provides information on how users can participate in the further development of the keywords.
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
        spatialResolution:  (MD_Resolution)
            levelOfDetail:  gif
        language:  eng; U.S.A.
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
        extent:  (EX_Extent)
            description:  Non-geographic
            temporalElement:  (EX_TemporalExtent)
                    beginPosition:  1999-01-01
                    endPosition:  2010-12-30
        supplementalInformation:  The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (formally NGDC) provides scientific data stewardship of solar-terrestrial datasets in compliance with NOAA Administrative Order (NAO 212-15), "Management of Environmental Data and Information", published 04 Nov 10. Scientific Data Stewardship includes the Archive, Access, and Assessment (AAA) of operational and related solar and space environmental datasets.
return to top
    distributionInfo:  (MD_Distribution)
        distributionFormat: (missing)
        distributor:  (MD_Distributor)
            distributorContact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                individualName:  William Denig
                organisationName:  DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
                contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                    phone:  (CI_Telephone)
                        voice:  (303) 497-6323
                        facsimile:  (303) 497-6513
                    address:  (CI_Address)
                        deliveryPoint:  325 Broadway E/GC2
                        city:  Boulder
                        administrativeArea:  CO
                        postalCode:  80305
                        country:  USA
                    hoursOfService:  7:30 - 4:30 Mountain
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
        transferOptions:  (MD_DigitalTransferOptions)
            transferSize: (unknown)
            onLine:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                name:  Chromosphere_Magnetogram_Wilcox Directory
                description:  All images and related documentation.
                function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) download
return to top
    dataQualityInfo:  (DQ_DataQuality)
        scope:  (DQ_Scope)
            level:  (MD_ScopeCode) series
        report:  (DQ_CompletenessCommission)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Collection consists of daily solar images (photographs) and drawings provided by various solar observatories. The collection is as complete as possible with all available data online.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_ConceptualConsistency)
            measureDescription:  Observatory staff acquire data from one or more telescopes viewing the sun at various wavelengths to identify solar features of interest including the solar corona, plage regions, filaments and prominances.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_FormatConsistency)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Consistent data presentation formats are used for each separate dataset.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Drawings are properly rotated into a heliocentric coordination orientation. Top is north. Right is east.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_ThematicClassificationCorrectness)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Solar images and drawings were obtained and/or prepared by trained staff at the various institutions.
            result: (unknown)
        report:  (DQ_AccuracyOfATimeMeasurement)
            evaluationMethodDescription:  Daily solar images and drawings are annotated with the observation time and other relevant metadata.
            result: (unknown)
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    metadataMaintenance:  (MD_MaintenanceInformation)
        maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency:  (MD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode) annually
        maintenanceNote:  This metadata was automatically generated from a form in in the Chameleon Editor ( with solarimagery2iso.xsl on 2016-12-27.
return to top
    acquisitionInformation:  (MI_AcquisitionInformation)
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier: (inapplicable)
            type:  Solar Telescopes
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  Wilcox Observatory
            description:  TBD
            instrument: (inapplicable)