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G1SST L4 SST Analysis for 2018-06-17 (NCEI Accession 0177094)

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      DateTime:  2023-06-29T12:58:29Z
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return to top
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            title:  G1SST L4 SST Analysis for 2018-06-17 (NCEI Accession 0177094)
            date:  (CI_Date)
                date:  2018-10-15
                dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
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                    title:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                    date: (inapplicable)
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            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                authority:  (CI_Citation)
                    title:  NCEI Archive Management System
                    date: (inapplicable)
                  Anchor:  NCEI Accession ID 0177094
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                  Anchor: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
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                  Anchor: Edward M. Armstrong
                  Anchor: US NASA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
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                    address:  (CI_Address)
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) resourceProvider
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                role:  (CI_RoleCode) contributor
            citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                  Anchor: Armstrong, Edward M.
                  Anchor: US NASA; Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
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                    address:  (CI_Address)
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        abstract:  A Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Level 4 sea surface temperature analysis produced daily on an operational basis by the JPL OurOcean group using a multi-scale two-dimensional variational (MS-2DVAR) blending algorithm on a global 0.009 degree grid. This Global 1 km SST (G1SST) analysis uses satellite data from sensors that include the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), the Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI), the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSRE), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager (TMI), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Imager, the Multi-Functional Transport Satellite 1R (MTSAT-1R) radiometer, and in situ data from drifting and moored buoys.
        purpose:  This dataset is available to the public for a wide variety of uses including scientific research and analysis.
        status:  (MD_ProgressCode) completed
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                title:  NCEI ACCESSION NUMBER
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                    date:  2018-10-10
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) theme
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  NODC DATA TYPES THESAURUS
                date: (inapplicable)
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              Anchor: ABI
              Anchor: AMSR-E
              Anchor: AVHRR-3
              Anchor: JAMI
              Anchor: MODIS
              Anchor: SEVIRI
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              Anchor: Envisat
              Anchor: GOES-16
              Anchor: Meteosat-9 (MSG-2)
              Anchor: MetOp-A
              Anchor: MetOp-B (Meteorological Operational satellite-B)
              Anchor: MTSAT-1R (Himawari 6)
              Anchor: TRMM
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                title:  NODC PLATFORM NAMES THESAURUS
                date: (inapplicable)
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                title:  NODC PROJECT NAMES THESAURUS
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            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) place
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  NODC SEA AREA NAMES THESAURUS
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                    date:  2012-09-15
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: NASA/JPL/PODAAC > Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) dataCentre
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Data Center Keywords
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                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
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                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
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        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: GHRSST > Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) project
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Project Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
                            administrativeArea:  MD
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                            protocol:  HTTPS
                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
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                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
                            administrativeArea:  MD
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  HTTPS
                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: AATSR > Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer
              Anchor: ABI > Advanced Baseline Imager
              Anchor: AMSR-E > Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS
              Anchor: AVHRR-3 > Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-3
              Anchor: JAMI > Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager
              Anchor: MODIS > Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
              Anchor: MTSAT 1R Imager
              Anchor: SEVIRI > Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager
              Anchor: TMI > TRMM Microwave Imager
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) instrument
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
                            administrativeArea:  MD
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  HTTPS
                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
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              Anchor: ENVISAT > Environmental Satellite
              Anchor: GOES-16 > Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 16
              Anchor: METEOSAT-9
              Anchor: METOP-A > Meteorological Operational Satellite - A
              Anchor: METOP-B > Meteorological Operational Satellite - B
              Anchor: MSG > Meteosat Second Generation
              Anchor: MTSAT-1R > Multi-functional Transport Satellite 1 Replacement
              Anchor: TRMM > Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) platform
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Platform Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
                            administrativeArea:  MD
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  HTTPS
                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
                    role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
              Anchor: Aqua (ICES code: 33V4, 2002-2016)
              Anchor: Envisat (ICES code: 33JQ, 2002-2012)
              Anchor: MTSAT-1R (ICES code: 496M, 2005-2015)
              Anchor: MetOp-A (ICES code: 064Q, 2006-2016)
              Anchor: TRMM (ICES code: 33LY, 1997-2015)
            type:  (MD_KeywordTypeCode) platform
            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  ICES/SeaDataNet Ship Codes
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        descriptiveKeywords:  (MD_Keywords)
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            thesaurusName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2023
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) revision
                edition:  17
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
                    organisationName:  Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
                        address:  (CI_Address)
                            city:  Greenbelt
                            administrativeArea:  MD
                        onlineResource:  (CI_OnlineResource)
                            protocol:  HTTPS
                            name:  GCMD Keyword Forum Page
                            description:  Global Change Master Directory (GCMD). 2023. GCMD Keywords, Version 17. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System, Earth Science Projects Division, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL (GCMD Keyword Forum Page):
                            function:  (CI_OnLineFunctionCode) information
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            otherConstraints:  Cite as: Armstrong, Edward M.; NASA JPL PO.DAAC (2018). G1SST L4 SST Analysis for 2018-06-17 (NCEI Accession 0177094). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            useLimitation:  Distribution liability: NOAA and NCEI make no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding these data, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA and NCEI cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data. If appropriate, NCEI can only certify that the data it distributes are an authentic copy of the records that were accepted for inclusion in the NCEI archives.
        resourceConstraints:  (MD_LegalConstraints)
            accessConstraints:  (MD_RestrictionCode) otherRestrictions
            otherConstraints:  Use liability: NOAA and NCEI cannot provide any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data. Users assume responsibility to determine the usability of these data. The user is responsible for the results of any application of this data for other than its intended purpose.
        aggregationInfo:  (MD_AggregateInformation)
            aggregateDataSetName:  (CI_Citation)
                title:  GHRSST Level 4 G1SST Global Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis (GDS version 1)
                date:  (CI_Date)
                    date:  2011-11-03
                    dateType:  (CI_DateTypeCode) publication
                identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                    authority:  (CI_Citation)
                        title:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
                        date: (inapplicable)
                    code:  gov.noaa.nodc:GHRSST-JPL_OUROCEAN-L4UHfnd-GLOB-G1SST
                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
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                    contactInfo:  (CI_Contact)
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                            name:  NCEI Collection
                            description:  Navigate directly to the URL for data access and direct download.
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                citedResponsibleParty:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
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          LanguageCode:  eng; USA
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        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) environment
        topicCategory:  (MD_TopicCategoryCode) oceans
        extent:  (EX_Extent)
            geographicElement:  (EX_GeographicBoundingBox)
                westBoundLongitude:  -180
                eastBoundLongitude:  180
                southBoundLatitude:  -80
                northBoundLatitude:  80
            temporalElement:  (EX_TemporalExtent)
                    beginPosition:  2018-06-17
                    endPosition:  2018-06-17
        supplementalInformation:  Entry ID: JPL_OUROCEAN-L4UHfnd-GLOB-G1SST Projection_Information: Projection Type: Cylindrical Lat-Lon Ellipsoid_Type: WGS 84 Other Projection Details: Regular 0.01 degree grid Data Resolution: Latitude resolution: .01 Longitude resolution: .01 The temporal resolution: 1 Day This metadata record was generated from an original data set description (DSD) record in DIF format: Reference: Chao, Y., Z. Li, J. D. Farrara, and P. Huang: Blended sea surface temperatures from multiple satellites and in-situ observations for coastal oceans, 2009: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26 (7), 1435-1446, 10.1175/2009JTECHO592.1 Sources: GOES-16 Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 16 MTSAT2 The Multi-functional Transport Satellite 2 NDBC MOORED BUOY NDBC MOORED BUOY MTSAT1R Multi-functional Transport Satellite 1 Replacement AQUA Earth Observing System, AQUA AQUA Earth Observing System, AQUA InSitu InSitu MetOp-A Meteorological Operational Satellite - A TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Sensors: ABI Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) MTSAT 2 Imager Multifunction Transport 2 Imager MTSAT 1R Imager Multifunctional Transport Satellites 1R Imager AMSR-E Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer InSitu Ships and Moored and Drifting Buoys InSitu Ships and Moored and Drifting Buoys AVHRR-3 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-3 TMI TRMM Microwave Imager
return to top
    distributionInfo:  (MD_Distribution)
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                        voice:  +1-301-713-3277
                    address:  (CI_Address)
                role:  (CI_RoleCode) pointOfContact
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                fees:  In most cases, electronic downloads of the data are free. However, fees may apply for custom orders, data certifications, copies of analog materials, and data distribution on physical media.
                orderingInstructions:  Contact NCEI for other distribution options and instructions.
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        contact:  (CI_ResponsibleParty)
            organisationName:  NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
            role:  (CI_RoleCode) custodian
return to top
    acquisitionInformation:  (MI_AcquisitionInformation)
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  AATSR-NR
            type:  AATSR-NR
            description:  Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer Near Realtime Within the GHRSST (GODAE High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature) satellite data project, AATSR_NR is ENVISAT AATSR near real time 1km SSTskin data. "SSTskin is defined within GHRSST-PP as the radiometric temperature of the surface measured by an infrared radiometer operating in the 10 - 12 µm waveband. Physically it represents the temperature of the water at a depth of approximately 10 - 20 µm." (definition from Launched in March 2002 by the European Space Agency, ENVISAT is an advanced polar-orbiting Earth observation satellite which provides measurements of the atmosphere, ocean, land, and ice (see
            mountedOn:  #plat_9769
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  ABI
            type:  ABI
            description:  Advanced Baseline Imager GCMD Instrument Keyword: ABI > Advanced Baseline Imager => 12a671f6-d18d-405a-9ff5-432ef2b94135 More information: The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) is the primary instrument on GOES-16 for imaging Earth’s weather, climate and environment. It was designed and built by Exelis Geospatial Systems (formerly ITT Space Systems, now Harris Space & Intelligence Systems), along with sub-contractors BAE Systems, Babcock Incorporated, BEI Technologies, DRS Technologies, L-3 Communications SSG-Tinsley, and Northrop Grumman Space Technology.[14] ABI is able to view the Earth across 16 spectral bands, including two visible channels, four near-infrared channels and ten infrared channels. It provides three times more spectral information, up to four times the spatial resolution (depending on the band), and more than five times faster coverage than the instruments on previous GOES satellites. Forecasters use the higher resolution images to track the development of storms in their early stages.[15] Instruments nearly identical to ABI are used by Japan on Himawari 8 and Himawari 9. (, retrieved 2018-03-30) The Advanced Baseline Imager is the primary instrument on the GOES-R Series for imaging Earth’s weather, oceans and environment. ABI views the Earth with 16 different spectral bands (compared to five on the previous generation of GOES), including two visible channels, four near-infrared channels, and ten infrared channels. It provides three times more spectral information, four times the spatial resolution, and more than five times faster temporal coverage than the previous system. ABI is a mission critical payload for the GOES-R Series, providing more than 65 percent of all mission data products currently defined. ABI is a multi-channel passive imaging radiometer designed to observe the Western Hemisphere and provide variable area imagery and radiometric information of Earth’s surface, atmosphere and cloud cover. The instrument has two scan modes. The default mode concurrently takes a full disk (Western Hemisphere) image every 15 minutes, an image of the Continental U.S. every five minutes, and two smaller, more detailed images of areas where storm activity is present, every 60 seconds. The ABI can also operate in continuous full disk mode, providing uninterrupted scans of the full disk every 5 minutes. All ABI bands have on-orbit calibration. (, retrieved 2018-03-30) This instrument entry will be used to support automated ingest of GHRSST data, including GHRSST Level 4 G1SST Global Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis (GDS version 1) from the JPL OurOcean group.
            mountedOn:  #plat_9760
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  AMSR-E
            type:  AMSR-E
            description:  Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) Aqua Satellite was launched from Vandenberg AFB, California on May 4, 2002 at 02:54:58 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. The primary goal of Aqua, as the name implies, is to gather information about water in the Earth's system. The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - EOS (AMSR-E) is a one of the six sensors aboard the satellite Aqua. AMSR-E is passive microwave radiometer, modified from the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II) AMSR, designed and provided by NASDA (contractor: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation). It observes atmospheric, land, oceanic, and cryospheric parameters, including precipitation, sea surface temperatures, ice concentrations, snow water equivalent, surface wetness, wind speed, atmospheric cloud water, and water vapor. (From:
            mountedOn:  #plat_9796
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  AVHRR-3
            type:  AVHRR-3
            description:  Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-3 The AVHRR-3 is a six channel scanning radiometer providing 3 solar channels in the visible-near infrared region and 3 thermal infrared channels. The AVHRR-3 has two one-micrometer wide channels between 10.3 and 12.5 micrometers. This latest version of AVHRR was first carried on NOAA-15 launched in May 1998 and subsequently in all current NOAA and MetOp platforms. Measuring the same view, this array of diverse wavelengths, after processing, permits multi spectral analysis for more precisely defining hydrologic, oceanographic, and meteorological parameters. Comparison of data from two channels is often used to observe features or measure various environmental parameters. The three channels operating entirely within the infrared band are used to detect the heat radiation from and hence, the temperature of land, water, sea surfaces, and the clouds above them. Additional Information:
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  JAMI
            type:  JAMI
            description:  Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager Also known as MTSAT Imager (Multi-functional Transport Satellite Imager) and MTSAT 1R Imager. The JAMI instrument has been designed and developed by Raytheon SBRS (Santa Barbara Remote Sensing) of Goleta, CA under contract to Space Systems/Loral and was carried on Japanese MTSAT-1R satellite (a replacement for MTSAT-1). This instrument has a visible channel at 0.55-0.90 µm; three Thermal Infra Red (TIR) Imaging channels (3.5-4.0 µm, 10.3-11.3 µm and 11.5-12.5 µm) as well as an infrared channel at 6.5-7.0 µm. Radiation in JAMI sensor is collected by a telescope with an aperture of 311 mm and focal length of 895 mm and focussed onto photovoltaic mercury cadmium telluride infrared detectors. The size of the detectors is 50 µm square, giving an angular resolution of 56 µrad and hence a linear resolution of 2 km at nadir. The nadir sampling interval, and effective resolution is 4 km. MTSAT-1R that was launched in 2005 at 140 deg. East is operational since mid-2005. Additional Information: GCMD Instrument Keyword: JAMI > Japanese Advanced Meteorological Imager => 0d967f3a-04c1-4dac-85f9-e0ffc54c2425 MTSAT 1R Imager => 63437bc6-f068-4d54-8b46-53e27ab00b8c
            mountedOn:  #plat_976d
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  MODIS
            type:  MODIS
            description:  Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south to north over the equator in the afternoon. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands, or groups of wavelengths (see MODIS Technical Specifications). MODIS Technical Specifications Orbit: 705 km, 10:30 a.m. descending node (Terra) or 1:30 p.m. ascending node (Aqua), sun-synchronous, near-polar, circular Scan Rate: 20.3 rpm, cross track Swath Dimensions: 2330 km (cross track) by 10 km (along track at nadir) Telescope: 17.78 cm diam. off-axis, afocal (collimated), with intermediate field stop Size: 1.0 x 1.6 x 1.0 m Weight: 228.7 kg Power: 162.5 W (single orbit average) Data Rate: 10.6 Mbps (peak daytime); 6.1 Mbps (orbital average) Quantization: 12 bits Spatial Resolution: 250 m (bands 1-2); 500 m (bands 3-7); 1000 m (bands 8-36) Design Life: 6 years (From:
            mountedOn:  #plat_9796
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  SEVIRI
            type:  SEVIRI
            description:  Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager Instrument onboard METEOSAT Second Generation satellite. Application - meteorology; from geostationary orbit, instrument performing full Earth disk imaging in 12 spectral bands for weather monitoring and forecasting. Features/Technical Details - Spectral range: • 0.4 – 1.6 micrometer (4 visible/near-infrared channels) • 3.8 – 13.4 micrometer (8 infrared channels) Resolution from 36000 km altitude: • 1 km in high resolution for visible channels • 3 km in infra red and visible channels Focal plane passively cooled at –180°C Earth scanning achieved by combination of satellite spin (East-West) and mirror scanning (South-North). • one image every 15 minutes • 245000 images over 7-year lifetime Instrument mass: 260 kg, 2.43 m height, 1 m diameter (without sunshield) Power consumption: 150 W average Data rate: 3.26 Mbit/s (From:
            mountedOn:  #plat_9204
        instrument:  (MI_Instrument)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  TMI
            type:  TMI
            description:  Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI)is a passive microwave sensor designed to provide quantitative rainfall information over a wide swath under the TRMM satellite. By carefully measuring the minute amounts of microwave energy emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere, TMI will be able to quantify the water vapor, the cloud water, and the rainfall intensity in the atmosphere. It is a relatively small instrument that consumes little power. This, combined with the wide swath and the good, quantitative information regarding rainfall make TMI the "workhorse" of the rain-measuring package on THE Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission. TMI is not a new instrument. It is based on the design of the highly successful Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) which has been flying continuously on Defense Meteorological Satellites since 1987. The TMI measures the intensity of radiation at five separate frequencies: 10.7, 19.4, 21.3, 37, 85.5 GHz. These frequencies are similar to those of the SSM/I, except that TMI has the additional 10.7 GHz channel designed to provide a more-linear response for the high rainfall rates common in tropical rainfall. The other main improvement that is expected from TMI is due to the improved ground resolution. This improvement, however, is not the result of any instrument improvements, but rather a function of the lower altitude of TRMM 218 miles (350 kilometers) compared to 537 miles (860 kilometers) of SSM/I). TMI has a 487 mile (780-kilometer) wide swath on the surface. The higher resolution of TMI on TRMM, as well as the additional 10.7 GHz frequency, will make TMI a better instrument than its predecessors. (From:
            mountedOn:  #plat_9793
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  Aqua
            description:  Updated information from ICES for the Name : Aqua Country(s) : UNITED STATES(US) (ISO Country Code) Platform Class : 65 Orbiting satellite Commissioned Date : 2002-05-04 Decommissioned Date : 2016 Notes : 2nd flight unit of the EOS programme. Main mission is demonstration of advanced sensors for operational meteorology. Information Sources: - Confirmed by NOAA on 2018-08-0 Instruments: AMSR-E et al NSSDCA/COSPAR ID: 2002-022A
            instrument:  #inst_be8b
            instrument:  #inst_be88
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  Envisat
            description:  Updated information from ICES for the vessel Envisat from UNITED STATES(US). Name : Envisat Country(s) : UNITED STATES(US) (ISO Country Code) Platform Class : 65 Orbiting satellite Commissioned Date : 2002-03-01 Decommissioned Date : 2012-04-08 Notes : ESA Environmental Satellite. Single flight unit of the Envisat programme. Main missions were atmospheric chemistry, climatology, ocean and ice. Information Sources: - - Instruments: AATSR et al Confirmed by NOAA on 2018-08-08.
            instrument:  #inst_be6e
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  GOES-16
            description: Geostationary Operational Envt. Sat.; launch 2012 Previously known as GOES-R, now known as GOES-16.
            instrument:  #inst_be04
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  Meteosat-9 (MSG-2)
            description: Second Meteosat Second Generation geostationary satellite, launched 21 December 2005. The NODC has archived sea surface temperature data collected from this platform as part of the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) program. Synonyms: MSG-2 Instruments: SEVIRI et al
            instrument:  #inst_be8d
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  MetOp-A
            description:  Updated information from ICES for the platform MetOp-A from GERMANY. Name MetOp-A Country(s) DE: GERMANY Platform Class 65: Orbiting satellite Commissioned Date 2006-10-19 Decommissioned Date 2016 Notes Meteorological operational satellite. 1st flight unit of the EPS programme. Main mission is operational meteorology. Command and Control of MetOp is performed from the EPS Control Room at EUMETSAT Headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. Information Source (URL) Confirmed by NOAA on 2018-08-08. OTHER INFORMATION: The MetOp series of satellites has been developed as part of a joint undertaking between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), whereby MetOp forms the space segment of EUMETSAT's Polar System (EPS). Moreover, MetOp is the European contribution to a new cooperative venture with the American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the Initial Joint Polar Satellite System. MetOp-A is the first of a series of three satellites. Launched: 19 October 2006 Declared operational: 15 May 2007
            instrument:  #inst_be0f
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  MetOp-B (Meteorological Operational satellite-B)
            description:  Platform Class: 65-Orbiting satellite Synonyms: Meteorological Operational satellite-B Commissioned Date: 2012-09-17 Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep., Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. Notes +: MetOp-B is the second of three ESA and EUMETSAT weather satellites. The satellite carry a set of seven 'heritage' instruments provided by NOAA and CNES and a new generation of five European instruments offering improved sensing capabilities. Several of the instruments measure similar aspects of the atmosphere, namely temperature and humidity, but use a variety of measuring techniques to acquire their data. Info Source:
            instrument:  #inst_be0f
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  MTSAT-1R (Himawari 6)
            description:  Updated information from ICES for the platform MTSAT-1R from JAPAN. Name MTSAT-1R Country(s) JP: JAPAN Platform Class 64: Geostationary orbiting satellite Native Name Synonyms Himawari 6 Call Sign MMSI IMO Pennant Title Commissioned Date 2005 Decommissioned Date 2015 Current Length(m) Built Date WOD Code Notes - JMA Meteorological Satellite. Also known as Himawari 6. Information Source (URL) - Confirmed by NOAA on 2017-12-27.
            instrument:  #inst_be90
        platform:  (MI_Platform)
            identifier:  (MD_Identifier)
                code:  TRMM
            description:  Updated information from ICES for the platform TRMM from US: UNITED STATES and JP: JAPAN. Name TRMM Country(s) JP: JAPAN; US: UNITED STATES Platform Class 65: Orbiting satellite Commissioned Date 1997 Decommissioned Date 2015 Notes: NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Information Source (URL) Confirmed by NOAA on 2019-02-05 (FY2019).
            instrument:  #inst_be8a