readme.txt Data files and path names use the following conventions SHIP = alphanumeric vessel call sign (4-7 characters) YYYY = 4 digit year MM = 2 digit month DD = 2 digit day VVV = 3 digit version number OO = 2 digit order number Directory ARCHIVE_PATH/SHIP/YYYY/MM/ contents: readme.txt - this file - SAMOS format netCDF files (see samos_naming.pdf and samos_netcdf_manual.pdf for details) - text file showing the relationship (source data) for the various versions of a single daily netCDF file. This file is created only for the highest version and order number for each day (the final archival product). The original ASCII data files recieved from the vessel have varying filenames - see .map file original_variable_map.csv - comma seperated value file that contains a map between the SAMOS variable designators and the designators in the original data files. Each variable map contains the date ranges in the month that this map is valid. This file also contains a long name for the SAMOS and original designators. samos_naming.pdf - The file naming convention samos_netcdf_manual.pdf - Detailed documentation of the SAMOS netCDF convention samos_quality_flag.pdf - A list of the quality control flags and their definitions. md5_summary - all the files contained in the ARCHIVE_PATH/SHIP/YYYY/MM/ directory with their cooresponding MD5 check sum md5_summary.md5 - the MD5 check sum of the md5_summary file Created: 12 July 2012