c*************************************************************** c* This is a Fortran 77 retrieval code to read and print the * c* Carbon Dioxide concentrations data in surface water and * c* atmosphere: PMEL cruises 1986-1989 * c*************************************************************** c*Defines variables* INTEGER day, year CHARACTER cruis*19, month*3, flag*1 REAL daygmt, lat, long, dist, temp, warm, sal, apre REAL xco2a, xco2sw, fco2a, fco2sw OPEN (unit=1, file='file.in') OPEN (unit=2, file='file.out') write (2, 5) c*Writes out column labels* 5 format (8X,'CRUISE NAME',2X,'CRUISE DATE',2X,'DAY GMT',3X, 1 'LATIT',5X,'LONGIT',2X,'DISTAN',4X,'TEMP',1X,'WARMING',2X, 2 'SALINITY',1X,'ATM.PRE',1X,'X(CO2)a',1X,'X(CO2)w',1X, 3 'f(CO2)a',1x,'f(CO2)w',1X,'QF',/,20X,'day mon year',10X, 4 'dec.deg',4X,'dec.deg',6X,'km',3X,'deg.C',3X,'deg.C',7X, 5 'ppt',4X,'mbar',5X,'ppm',5X,'ppm',4X,'uatm',4X,'uatm',//) c*Sets up a loop to read and format all the data in the file* 7 CONTINUE read (1, 10, end=999) cruis, day, month, year, daygmt, lat, 1 long, dist, temp, warm, sal, apre, xco2a, xco2sw, fco2a, 2 fco2sw, flag 10 format (A19, 2X, I2, 1X, A3, 1X, I4, 2X, F7.3, 1X, F7.3, 3X, 1 F8.3, 1X, F7.1, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 2X, F8.3, 2X, F6.1, 1X, 2 F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 2X, A1) write (2, 20) cruis, day, month, year, daygmt, lat, 1 long, dist, temp, warm, sal, apre, xco2a, xco2sw, fco2a, 2 fco2sw, flag 20 format (A19, 2X, I2, 1X, A3, 1X, I4, 2X, F7.3, 1X, F7.3, 3X, 1 F8.3, 1X, F7.1, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 2X, F8.3, 2X, F6.1, 1X, 2 F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 1X, F7.2, 2X, A1) GOTO 7 999 close(unit=1) close(unit=2) stop end